1891 General Committee Meeting Minutes (December 12th)

 Sat, 12th Dec, 1891

Author: Munster Agricultural Society

Credits: Munster Agricultural Society

Copyright: Munster Agricultural Society

Keywords: 1891, Minutes, General Committee

Meeting of the General Committee dated December 12th, 1891, with A. Ferguson in the Chair


Sir George Lothurst

W. Roberts

W. McDonnell

R. Good

D. Stoker

A.G Warren

J. Jones

Capt. Newenham

W.H Beamish

G. Heard

R.H Beamish


The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. 

The following gentlemen having been proposed at a former meeting of the society came forward for election, J. Atkins, W. Prendergast, R.A Anderson, W. Scannel, A. Boumphrey, Walter Morrough. 

The following were proposed for membership A.W Allen, proposed by W. Roberts, seconded by J. Henderson, John Logan, Courtstown, proposed by W. Roberts, seconded by J. Henderson. 

Secretary read letter from Mr. Ahern regretting that he could not act as one of the Limited Co, Mr Charles Murphy of Blackrock, was accordingly elected in his place.  

On the motion of Sir. George Lothurst, seconded by Capt. Newenham, it was decided to send a letter to all the members with a copy of the scheme asking for a subscription. 

On the suggestion of Sir George Lothurst, it was decided to read a deputation to wait on the Royal Dublin Society to ask for a grant towards the new building and the secretary was directed to write and ascertain what day it would be convenient for the council to review such deputation. 

The secretary was further directed to write to the secretary of the North East Agricultural Society for some information as to the new building that they were erecting. 

                                                                                                                           A. Ferguson 
