1892 General Committee Meeting Minutes (June 4th)

 Sat, 4th Jun, 1892

Author: Munster Agricultural Society

Credits: Munster Agricultural Society

Copyright: Munster Agricultural Society

Keywords: 1892, Minutes, General Committee

Meeting of the General Committee dated June 4th, 1892, with R.E. Longfield in the Chair


Sir. G Lothurst

J. Byrne

L.A Beamish

Col. Shuldhum

J. Donovon

J. Jones

C. Heard

R. Hayes

J. Ahern

J. Reed

J. Love

Daly Murry

Capt. Woodley

R.A Newman

D. Stoker

S. Logan

W. McDonnell

S. Nash

Gen. Davies

C. Garfit

J.S Collins

R. Kennifick

H. Reed

W. Roberts

W. Beamish

A.G Warren

J. Morrison

Ald. Scott

The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. 

Read letter from Mr. Anderson with reference to the margarine, stating that a coorperative union was formed and asking the society to attend, it was decided to send a subscription of £1, and the secretary was directed to write to Mr. Larvin and enquire what was being done with reference to the margarine set. 

Read letter from secretary General Pot, pointing out that the cost of bringing the telegraph wine to show yard would be about £8 if the society were willing to hear this, it would greet the battery and supply an operator, it was decided to guarantee the cost. 
On the motion of Mr. L.A Beamish and seconded by Col. Shuldhum, it was decided to have the show yard connected with the telephone office secretary to make the best terms he could with the company. 

The letting of the show yard was under consideration when on the motion of Mr. L.A Beamish seconded by Sir. G Lothurst, the following prices were decided on for the whole show yard including buildings, £20 per day for the jumping ground and should £15 per day for the football ground £5 per day. 

The recommendation of the show committee as to suspecting all free tickets except the press was laid before the committee when on the motion of Sir. G Lothurst, seconded by L.A Beamish, the following resolution was unanimously passed, ''that in accordance with the terms on which a sum of over £100 was contributed by the citizens of Cork towards the erection of the New Show Yard, the price list of tickets be entirely suspended with the exception of the press.  

The following gentlemen having been proposed and seconded at a former meeting of the committee were elected members. 

Mr. Healy

John Healy

S. Uptin

Dr. Gleeson

F. Jervois

Capt. Pratt

General Jamount

Mr. Grant

Mr. Dring

R. Bolster

Col. Longfield

W. O’Grady

Jas. Maye

Col. Spaight

W. Walls

A. Murphy

James Murphy

A McDonnell

The following were proposed for membership, A.G Heard, Montenotte, Cork, proposed by L. Woods, seconded by A.G Warren, H. Hayes, proposed by J. Bird, seconded by J. Reed, W.A Murphy, proposed by J. Bird, seconded by P. Bourden, Col. Williamson, proposed by Capt. Woodley, seconded by L.A Beamish. 
Mr. O' Shea '' J. Bird '' J. Reed
J. Finn '' Capt. Newenham '' A.G Warren
J. Bonnet '' '' '' '' 
J. O'Brien pp '' D.P Hakes '' '' 
A.A. Hanis '' Sir. G Lothurst '' L.A Beamish
H. Daly '' '' '' Capt. Woodley
J. Linehan '' '' '' Capt. Woodley
J. O' Connor '' J. Jones '' '' 
Miss Payne Townsend '' Col. Shuldhum '' R.A Beamish
R. Barker '' Mr. Reed '' J. Bird
D. Donovon '' Sir Lothurst '' L.A Beamish
D. Law '' S. Logan '' Capt. Woodley
J.J Branwell '' W. Roberts '' R. Kennifick
B.J Roberts '' W. Roberts '' R. Kennifick
Dr. Keane '' W.A Beamish '' Sir. G Lothurst
P. Bowen '' J. Jones '' J. Byrne
JJ Harding '' H. Reed '' J. Reed
H.R Gross '' W. Roberts '' J. Reed
Mr. Webb '' W.A Beamish '' S. Dring
Mr. Foley '' J. Byrne '' J. Reed
Timothy Sullivan '' '' '' 
R. Burke '' L.A Beamish '' Sir. G Lothurst

                                                                                                            R.G Longfield
