1933 General Committee Meeting Minutes (June 17th)

 Sat, 17th Jun, 1933

Author: Munster Agricultural Society

Credits: Munster Agricultural Society

Copyright: Munster Agricultural Society

Keywords: 1933, Minutes, General Committee

Meeting of the General Committee held on Saturday, 17th June, Mr N. Hayes  in the chair, also present Miss M. E. Gubbins, Miss G. Montgomery, Commander W. R. Hodder, Major J.P. Morgan, Messrs. A.H. Moore, W. Desmond, T.D., P.J. Good, A. Mullins, E.J. Clarke, J. Daly, V.S., C.V. Good, P.J. O’Connell, E. Wall, F.G. Hayes, J. Henderson, M. Twomey, D. Ross, J. Lehane, T. McGrath, J. O’Regan, P. Crowley, A.H. Good, P.J. Halliden, C.A. Love, J. O’Sullivan, S. Murphy, J.B. Roberts, T.J. Spillane, H. Twomey, W.A. Whitelegge and A Morrison, Hon. Secretary.

Meeting of the General Committee held on Saturday, 17th June, Mr N. Hayes  in the chair, also present Miss M. E. Gubbins, Miss G. Montgomery, Commander W. R. Hodder, Major J.P. Morgan, Messrs. A.H. Moore, W. Desmond, T.D., P.J. Good, A. Mullins, E.J. Clarke, J. Daly, V.S., C.V. Good, P.J. O’Connell, E. Wall, F.G. Hayes, J. Henderson, M. Twomey, D. Ross, J. Lehane, T. McGrath, J. O’Regan, P. Crowley, A.H. Good, P.J. Halliden, C.A. Love, J. O’Sullivan, S. Murphy, J.B. Roberts, T.J. Spillane, H. Twomey, W.A. Whitelegge and A Morrison, Hon. Secretary.

From the Department of President  de Valera  a  communication  was received  acknowledging  receipt  of Society’s  invitation  to attend on the  opening  day of the Show. It was  stated that  the matter  would be brought  to the President’s  notice  on  his return  to Ireland.

In a similar letter  from the Department  of the Minister for Agriculture it was stated  the  Minister   could not  yet  definitely state  if it  would  be possible  for him  to attend , but  a further  communication  would be sent on the subject.

Mr. Wm. Cosgrave , T.D. wrote  stating  that he would be  pleased  to  attend  the Society’s  Show  on Wednesday, 28th.

A letter  was  read  from the Secretary of the Tribunal  inquiring  into the Pig  Industry, inviting  the Committee  to give evidence before the Tribunal. Mr. O’Sullivan  proposed  that the  Commission      to have  a sitting  in Cork  for the purpose  of taking   evidence. This was  seconded       by Mr. O’Connor  and it  was further  agreed  that the Society  should  co-operate  with the  County Committee in giving evidence .

The following  were  approved  to represent  the Society :-  On the motion of  Mr. Desmond T.D. seconded by Mr. Hayes ,Mr. E.J. Clarke, on the motion of  Mr. O’Sullivan seconded by  Mr. Twomey, Mr.  J.W. Young of Belvidere, Cork, and on the motion of Miss  Gubbins, seconded by Mr. A. Mullins, Mr.  R.H. Dring  of Glyntown ,Glanmire.

The Secretary  reported on the prospects  of the forthcoming  Summer Show , which were considered  satisfactory  and Mr.  A.H. Good  suggested that a Broadcast Talk should take place  on the Show, and it was agreed that the  Secretary  should make arrangements  with the Broadcasting 
