Author: Munster Agricultural Society
Credits: Munster Agricultural Society
Copyright: Munster Agricultural Society
Keywords: 1940, Minutes, General Committee
Meeting of the General Committee held on Saturday, 21st September, 1940, with Mr. E.J. Clarke in the chair.
Present: Present: Miss G. Montgomery, The Lord Mayor, Ald Wm. Desmond, Messrs T.O'Sullivan, A.Mullins, N.Hayes, P.J O'Connell, F.G.Hayes, J.S Henderson, T.J Spillane, P.J Halliden, S.Murphy, E.J Cussen, J.Daly, N.R.C.V.S, J.F.D Good, J.B Roberts, E.Wall, J.A.Wood, C'Connell, F.G Hayes, L.Dobbin, and A. Morrison, Hon secretary.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and signed.
Letter from the Department of Agriculture:
A letter was read from the secretary of the Department of Agriculture, stating that the two-year membership of the representative of the society on the livestock breeding consultative council would terminate on the 15th October, and that the minister would be glad to have two or three names of members from whom he might nominate one to act on the new council, and, on the motion of Mr.T.O'Sullivan, seconded by Mr.N.Hayes, it was unanimously, decided to forward the name of the retiring member of the society (Mr E.J Clarke) for re-election.
Letter from Mr. W.Brown
A letter was read from Mr. Wilfred Brown, Seanad Returning Officer, drawing attention to the provisions of the Seanad electoral (Panel Members) (Bye-Elections) Act, 1940, which act makes provision for the filling of a casual vacancy in the membership of Seanad Eireann occasioned by the death, resignation or disqualification of a member who was elected from a nominating bodies sub panel. The act directs the formation and maintenance of a standing committee in respect of each panel. Each nominating body which is for the time being registered in the register of nominating bodies for a panel is to nominate 3 persons to constitute the standing committee for that panel.
As this society is for the time being registered in the register for nominating bodies in respect of the agricultural panel, it is accordingly required to appoint three persons to be members of the standing committee for this panel, the names of the members elected to the standing committee by this society to be forwarded to the returning officer. The president stated that, as there was no provision in the Bye-Laws of the society for selecting three members for this standing committee, it would be necessary, in accordance with rule 13 of the society, to get permission of this committee to call a special general meeting of the members of the society, and he accordingly asked the members to pass the following resolution: -
''That we, the members of the general committee hereby authorise the secretary to call a special general meeting of the members of the society to consider a communication received from Mr. Wilfred Brown, Seanad Returning officer, in connection with the Seanad electoral (Panel Members) (Bye-Elections) Act 1940'' and on the motion of Mr E.J Cussen, seconded by Mr.N.Hayes, the above resolution was unanimously adopted.
Date of next meeting:
With regard to the day and hour for this meeting Mr.F.G Hayes proposed, and Mr.N.Hayes seconded that same be held on Saturday, 12th October, at 2p.m.
Day and Hour of Meeting:
Mr.J Daly, V.S proposed as an amendment, and commander Hodder seconded, that the meeting be held on Saturday, 19th October, at 3p.m, and, on a show of hands, the amendment was carried by 14 votes to 10.
Elections of Committees:
In accordance with the rule 22 of the society, three members of the show committee giving the least number of attendance shall retire, and the names of the outgoing members shall be announced at this meeting. The vacancies thus made shall be filled up by the general committee at their meeting in October, nominations for which will be received up to and including Wednesday, 9th October. The names of the outgoing members were - The Rt.Hon. Lord Mayor (Ald.W.Desmond) Messrs F.G Hayes & E. Wall, who were eligible for re-election. Nominations for their re-election were then proposed by Mr E.J Cussen and seconded by Professor Boyle.
On the motion of Mr. P.J O'Connell, seconded by Mr.P.J Good, the following cheques, as recommended by the general committee, were passed:-
E.S.B £2.14.10; Royal Insce Co. £11.0.3; Cork Gas Co. £14.9.8; P.McGrath. £1.18.3; Wages £46.3.4;
E.J Clarke
Oct 19 1940